
Forms of life, forms of mind | Dr. Michael Levin | Starter Pack: introductory materials to my lab’s academic work

NOTE: This is a copy-paste of the full article. I did not write this.

URL: https://thoughtforms.life/starter-pack-introductory-materials-to-my-labs-academic-work/

Published by Mike Levin on November 16, 2023

People sometimes ask for a kind of introductory starter pack of information to get into the things that my lab and I work on. Here are some ways to begin to get acquainted with the research. Black is reading material, green are videos.

First, more generally-accessible material:

For the more detailed academic work:

(1) Diverse intelligence, philosophy of mind, unconventional cognition, artificial life, robotics

(2) Biomedicine, bioelectricity, regeneration, cancer

(3) Evolution, developmental biology, biophysics, synthetic biology

More in-depth:

After that introductory material, you can see the entire thing here (dive in and don’t forget the links on the left side of each page, they lead to additional content).
